Autumn Equinox is a significant time for me: in this climate, autumn is already underway ( see previous post for Mara's Day) but depending on the timing of frosts things may be reaching a peak or about to really get going! Some nights are already cold, and much colder days are not far away. Summer tasks need to be wrapped up and preparations for winter need to move along.
There's beauty to the season and spriritual symbolism, as for all the seasonal changes, and a reverence for the natural world. I'll be working on an altar, along with a longer blog post about the day(s), the Latvian traditions, my remembrance of my Mother's death which coincides with this time- and of course photos and videos of all the aspects of my observances and thoughts.
Yesterday was the actual Equinox, but with threat of rain, I decided to put off the main altar laying until today. Instead I went for a walk along the gravel road then into the wetland and woodland on the farm. Of course I took photos and video (all to come) and picked up some rocks that caught my eye and some branches showing the colours of the season.
When I got back I decided to make a little display of my finds, and used a wooden bench that was already covered with nice pieces of wood left over from last season's firewood cutting.
It was raining very lightly, off and on, but not quite enough to rinse the clay and sand from the rocks, so I took a bucket that had caught a little rain water (and a shield bug- which I later saw perched safely on one of the rocks on the altar) and poured it over the them. This turned out to have the added benefit of some lovely reflections of light on the surface...
So, here are the images, and soon I need to get outside!
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