Somehow I never finished this post celebrating the height of Saule/sun in the northern summer! At the Summer Solstice it is not yet the hottest weather here, maybe not the peak of vegetation, but the longest days, the high point of optimism in the season.
I made a short video of bees in the rock garden in the morning sunlight. (as usual, all Spectra/Peertube links will be at the bottom of page). I included a short poem written for a previous summer:
reared by the sun,
imbued with snow and rain
fed on the decay of rock and life,
it races to complete the cycle:
to grow and flower and seed,
to feast and be feasted upon
Before laying the Solstice Altar (previous video), I wanted to get out to enjoy the beautiful mild summer afternoon on Solstice Day. A short, slow walk on the farm, just below to just above 20C, sun and cloud. I stop to look at flowers and butterflies, listen to bird song and crow scolding. Beautiful day! Gentle music added to enhance the mood.
Later on, after a beautiful mildly warm day with a mix of sun and cloud, we had some welcome rain! The perfect complement to the joining of Sun and Earth, Rain Mother delivered her blessing.
As I publish this, we are heading into Autumn. I hope everyone had a beautiful and fruitful summer and may the days ahead be kind and instructive to you!
Here are the Peertube ( a non-corporate model for video hosting) video links- same videos as above, often they are smaller files.
Summer Morning Rock Garden: Flowers Bees and a Poem
Healing Slow Walk Alberta Summer Solstice Day Forest + Meadow Flowers Trees + Critters + Calm Music
Summer Day-Solstice Altar: Flowers Birdsong Mosquitoes?
Calming Summer Afternoon Laying Solstice Altar: Plants Flowers Bird Song Relaxing Music
Life Giving Rain Summer Solstice Evening
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