It's Spring Equinox! I'm not researching any ancient customs this time- just enjoying the sun, the melting snow, the promise of a growing season. I think with so much exposure to images from other parts of the world, some people who live in northerly, land-locked climes such as here in West Central Alberta, forget what our seasons are truly like. Even after a mostly mild winter and a continuing mild spring, late March is still to early to see the signs of spring we may see in the media- flowers are still some time away! In favoured spots in town and city yards the first bulb flowers may be poking up soon, here in the country the snow is just leaving most garden beds. The soil needs to thaw and warm, if it continues mild there could be action in a few weeks. Mid-April would be a very early date for the appearance of the first wild flowers, and we have to remember that here a mild/snowless spring means a dry spring, since rains don't generally start seriously until late May, so that dryness slows grass and some other plants further.
So- don't expect Spring Equinox in the North to be green and bursting with flowers, but Spring *is* in the air! The signs are all around, and it is very different from mid-winter. The rest will come, enjoy this season for what it is, with warm sunny patches, brisk fresh breezes and puddles and pools everywhere!
Equinox is here:
Sun grows stronger.
Moss, wintergreens splash lime and olive,
spruce show cyan-dark,
poplars bone-ash and sage.
Old leaves lay bronze and fawn, in bleached grasses,
willows rise crimson and rust to brightening gold.
Melt water pools sepia on black soil,
with ice of white and blue
like snow patches and the sky with passing clouds.
Catkins edge forward and
a few brave geese fly overhead.
What is the Spring Equinox like where you are? Green? Dry? Maybe you are in the South and it's Autumn? I’d love to hear from you- Comments on the ease of reading on this platform are welcome, also. I'm also starting to experiment with Wordpress. You can find me on
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