It was a day,
a day of watching and hearing,
of swift farewells and wrenched partings,
of sweat and snow
hard work and memories.
I left my (slightly too) toasty spot
at the computer, near the woodstove,
and headed out for shovelling.
More sweating, even in the chill air,
clearing fresh snow, and expanding the area cleared
from previous snowfalls.
The sky was a mix of cloud and blue,
occasional patches of sunshine
highlighting white snow, dark trees, deep shadows.
I'd hurry for the camera, only to miss the sun.
Some of the neighbours' cattle,
mostly cows with their calves,
summer on my uncle's land behind the acreage.
Since it snowed and turned cold,
they've been calling out, gathering by the gate.
Take us home, they'd say, remembering other winters,
Take us home and give us hay,
we don't like pushing our noses in the snow for food.
Yesterday they got their wish,
but I wonder if they'd remembered
that the day of return was also
the day their calves were taken?
The trailers and trucks rattled
while the air filled with the distressed calls
of calves separated and mothers bereft.
Overhead, fair weather fowl were heading south,
multiple callers keeping them in line.
Occasionally, a quieter group passed,
better discipline or a different species?
They were flying high, hoping to reach drier ground.
I wished them snow bare fields
and rich gleaning and grazing.
They might have to fly far to find it.
After a couple of hours shovelling,
time for woodcutting, not quite such warm work.
I added another layer and sipped coffee from my thermos.
I add some sugar for outdoors,
so the taste is a little different than my usual,
reminds me of the coffee Grandma would send out
to the fields in mason jars.
As a kid, carrying out lunch, I'd be given a little.
As I wrapped up, checked mail and tended to the cats.
the pre-sunset turned the sky blue and gold,
but dark clouds muted the colour
before I could get a shot.
It's okay, beauty unrecorded is still felt.
Snow began to fall again, lightly.
It was a day, just another day.
As always, I'd like to hear from you-- I’d love to hear from you- You can find me on
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