I Float in a Sea of Green- A Midsummer Poem

rosa acicularis, prickly rose, midsummer, poem, cohanmagazine.blogspot.com

A poem for Midsummer-- written at the beginning of July, the images are from June, 2020..........

I float in a sea of green
through cool dapple
and sultry gaps
splashed by colour tipped waves
gently rocked by flower scent, over
deeper eddies of humid earth, decay,
lulled by a thousand tones
of insect drone
and whispering
Cohan July 04, 2020

papilio canadensis, papaver alpinum, swallowtail, alpine poppies, cohanmagazine.blogspot.com
Canadian Swallowtail Butterfly in the Rock Garden with Alpine Poppies and more..

comfrey, symphytum, herbs, pollinator garden, cohanmagazine.com
Comfrey / Symphytum officinale

papaver popovii, cerastium, platanthera, anthriscus, cohanmagazine.blogspot.com
Mix of natives and exotics and weeds!

Castilleja rhexifolia, Paintbrush, Solidago multiradiata, Goldenrod, cohanmagazine.blogspot.com
Castilleja rhexifolia /Paintbrush with Solidago / Goldenrod

Geranium himalayense, Himalayan Geranium, Chives, Allium schoenoprasum, cohanmagazine.blogspot.com
Geranium himalayense / Himalayan Geranium with Chives / Allium schoenoprasum

Lilac, Syringa vulgaris, cohanmagazine.blogspot.com
Lilacs /Syringa vulgaris

Happy mid-summer to all Nothern Hemisphere folks!
