Playing again with some references from Latvian /Baltic mythology and tradition.. this time a poem for the changing of seasons; photos from the acreage and farm from a walk that initially inspired the poem...
Equinox has passed, and days tip toward winter.
We pray Jumis is satisfied with his offerings,
and our fields will bear, next planting...
Now Sniega Mate, Snow Mother, has
left her bed below the mountains,
woken by the first frost.
She has strewn the land with white, a reminder
of things to come, of her heavy blanket
that will guard the soil and hold
precious water till spring melting.
Today's snow will melt sooner: it is still autumn,
and Lapu Mate, Leaf Mother has not yet finished painting the trees.
Be wary, though, in the woodland the Laumes,
those most ancient, shifting, spirits, play:
casting golden leaves
like coins, on the snow,
testing the faithless and greedy,luring off the path to home and hearth
with visions of lithe bodies disappearing behind trees
and wealth unearned
(if you just walk a little further)...
The wise will keep their eyes on the trail,
and heart on riches and love already received.
Beauty is free to enjoy, but never follow
strange footprints in the snow...
We pray Jumis is satisfied with his offerings,
and our fields will bear, next planting...
Now Sniega Mate, Snow Mother, has
left her bed below the mountains,
woken by the first frost.
She has strewn the land with white, a reminder
of things to come, of her heavy blanket
that will guard the soil and hold
precious water till spring melting.
Today's snow will melt sooner: it is still autumn,
and Lapu Mate, Leaf Mother has not yet finished painting the trees.
Be wary, though, in the woodland the Laumes,
those most ancient, shifting, spirits, play:
casting golden leaves
like coins, on the snow,
testing the faithless and greedy,luring off the path to home and hearth
with visions of lithe bodies disappearing behind trees
and wealth unearned
(if you just walk a little further)...
The wise will keep their eyes on the trail,
and heart on riches and love already received.
Beauty is free to enjoy, but never follow
strange footprints in the snow...
Cohan, October 03, 2019
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