Thunderstorms and Poems...

Geranium sanguineum, hardy geranium, after the rain, poetry
Geranium sanguineum after the rain.

Summer air
cool from rain with 
pockets of sun warm.
Thick with moisture, redolent
of rose and mock orange.
Slices and dribbles of shade, alternate 
with blinding light glancing off
water drops, petals, leaves.
Brilliant white and deepest blue overhead, as
the last storm wanders away,
behemoths in the sky grinding and grumbling 
to the black horizon.
The earth is green, soil breathing, birds
singing, life explodes until 
the next storm,
not far away...
Cohan July 01, 2018

Eurybia sibirica, Asters, between the storms, poetry
Asters, sun between the storms..

Departing Thunderstorm, Alberta, Summer, Poetry
Departing thunderstorm
thunderstorms, Alberta, summer, boreal forest
Passing Storms, West Central Alberta

mounds of water vapour,
piled high like solids,
confusing our soil bound senses
flying far above us
fast and unreachable 
home of gods and conveyance of mages
reminding us of our smallness
till ethereal turns substantial
and  theoretical water 
becomes a firm fact 
crashing down in a great act of unification:
heaven and earth one
Cohan, June 30, 2018

Photos in first section from home, garden and the road nearby; photos with second poem from the vehicle en route from Condor, Alberta, Canada to and from Sylvan Lake, Alberta. Summer storms often come and go quickly here......

Sylvan Lake  Alberta, storm clouds, summer, poetry

David Thompson Highway, summer, thunderstorm, aspens, poetry

Eckville Alberta, thunderstorms, summer, poetry

downpour, rain on the windshield, summer, alberta, poetry
