Update: Since posting this, I have discovered that this is actually R. platyphyllus, moved by some to Drimia- D. platyphylla; its a widespread species for such a little thing, and there are some hairy leafed forms I'd love to get my hands on....
This is a tiny South African winter growing xerophytic bulb which I grew from seed 2 winters ago..
it was described by Penrock only as:
'A minute species with two prostrate leaves covered in fine silky hairs rendering the leaves cryptic when covered in dust or grit particles. Found in the Matjiesfontein and Fraserburg area, Western Cape'
...this may be full size(no more than half inch long for the largest the pot is, i think 3 inch), since they have not changed in size in their third growing season..
I haven't seen flowers yet, this genus is related to massonia, so I think it should flower while in leaf, but I don't know if it is mature, or ...anyway, the leaves are cute-as you can see in the close-up - they are finely pubescent--to the naked eye they just look kind of velvety, with the two lines looking almost like a
the close-up of a leaf is much larger than life size!- Imeasured, and the largest leaf is about 1/2 inch or 1.5cm; the other 3 leaves are quite a bit smaller..
I just noticed Penrock mentions 2 leaves--typical for cousins Massonia, two prostrate leaves, flowers come out of middle.. well, so far each of these tiny plants has one leaf at a time--I forget when they died, sometime in spring/summer, and resprout in fall, I don't think these were leafless as long as the 1 Massonia I have...
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