Fiction, Feedback and Finances!


I'm starting something new: posting fiction here--happy to hear constructive feedback: in particular, is the blog format comfortable for reading?  (vs Kindle etc, but that's not free to read..). Would it be more convenient if the fiction were on a completely separate blog? (it will be easy to find with 'fiction' tags, I do prefer to have a variety of my work in the same place). There will probably be several loosely related series of stories, over time, the series will be noted in the sub-title, and tags/labels so you can find them.

I'm also interested in feedback on several sites I've looked at that would allow those who appreciate the work to support me- Patreon is one, Buy Me A Coffee is another-they only work with Stripe, currently, and I haven't got that set up currently, so I'm using Ko-fi currently, with PayPal.

These sites allow one time donations of small or larger amounts, and also the option for subscriptions or ongoing donations. The idea of this sort of site is to support artists/creators etc, where the traditional publishing /gallery world can be very hard to access, ditto for many online journals etc, which often pay very little, anyway.  

The usual practise is to offer incentives with the ongoing donations or larger ones, and I'd like to know people's thoughts on those- I will *not* post parts of stories or series for free with the conclusions behind a paywall. I *might* post different or longer series for 'members', or incentives could be larger file versions of artwork /photographs that you could use as wallpaper or print for personal use only, or discounts on other art purchases? (There will also soon, hopefully be new artworks made and posted, related to fiction and not). Any other thoughts on what you might like to see as incentives if you were a subscriber?

Also do you prefer one of the various donation sites? I'm not yet sure whether to use only one, possibly a couple..

Hope you enjoy the stories, I'll be starting with one from a couple of years ago to post shortly.

Since originally posting this, I've started posting regularly to YouTube as well, and currently testing WordPress as an alternative for blogging.

Happy to hear your thoughts here or you can find me on 

For now I have a Ko-fi page;  support helps me keep working-more research, more writing, more art!
