Wintry Woods

I've mentioned, I think, that sometimes it seems like I spend more time in the woods  in winter than I do in summer. In fact, that is quite certainly the case, since the time I spend out cutting firewood is much greater than the time I spend out walking in summer. Plus, in summer I tend to get wrapped up  in garden projects, photographing plants on the acreage etc, and often don't get around to changing (depending on the bug season, and where I'm headed, usually need long pants and sleeves for the bush, and often rubber boots) and heading out for a farther excursion into the bush. This is one of those life balance issues: I love gardening, but if I find myself having to spend every free moment of daylight weeding and digging (okay, a lot of time spent taking photos), I may need to rethink things...

Anyway, I do love the time I spend in the woods in winter, not so much the chainsaw part, but the walks, short and long, and even just the time spent finding wood to cut, hauling back and forth, and the moments spent looking up and around. It is a long season here, so might as well enjoy it! I promise the season will turn eventually, and I will post living, growing, blooming things again!

For today, just a few short  clips around the acreage and farm, enjoying the white season.
First, three views, standing in three spots in the woods on the farm, looking around. No narration.

The next video shows a couple of the spots where I was cutting firewood in the bush, recently. These are on the farm, not too far from the acreage. Not too bad for the office for an afternoon's work .. With narration.

Then several short clips, talking about snow conditons on the farm and road allowance.

The last video shows a view from the road, just a little way up.  It was a snowy afternoon, I wanted to do a short video of the snow falling over the slough, but it was very patchy snow, and when I got to where I wanted to shoot, the snow was mostly stopped ( I could still see it falling a half mile away). Winter view of boreal wetlands..  Thanks for a taking a look, and I swear, spring will come!
